The Noone Apparel Uniform Shop at DSC is located at the front of the Lyn Kelly Stadium.
To ensure uniform quality and style are consistent the uniform is supplied by Noone Apparel (formerly known as Belgravia/Buxwear). All approved uniform items are embroidered with the DSC lyrebird logo.
Noone Apparel also manage the Uniform Shop ensuring excellent service for parents.
Opening Hours
- Thursdays 1pm to 6pm
- The first Saturday of the month 10am to 2.00pm (Note new hours for 2024)
Additional Trading Hours
- The Shop is open for additional days in December and January as well as on Year 6 into 7 Orientation Day
- Click here for a calendar of additional trading hours.
To order online:
Email the Uniform Shop:
Second Hand Uniform and Textbooks Trading – Sustainable School Shop
Drouin Secondary College families have the ability to buy and sell their second-hand textbooks, uniforms and other student resources via the Sustainable School Shop website
The service is very accessible, it preferences our school first and then provides access to buy and sell items with families attending other schools. Many schools use this service. Access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators, stationery, musical equipment, etc is available all year.
For the best results:
- Register on the Sustainable School Shop website and nominate the school
- A subscription to the service will be provided to you
- List your items for sale
- List wanted ads for those items you are looking to buy
- The school’s uniform and book lists are loaded into the system to make listing ads easy
- The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and notifies the buyer via email
- Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to trade
- Most trading will occur with other parents from our school
- Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop’s telephone (0438 743 444) and email help lines
- The system is simple and easy to use – If you don’t have a computer, internet access or an email address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for assistance
- You can pre-arrange the transaction and then trade after the texts are not required.
Drouin Secondary College is providing this service so there is no cost for families. Each family that registers on the Sustainable School Shop will be given a subscription, it’s free for families to use.
Click here to view the stocktake report for second-hand uniform currently listed on Sustainable School Shop.
More information – Sustainable School Shop flyer